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SME news listing Announcements

The National Recovery Initiatives Under PERKESO
[ 24-07-2021 ]
The National Recovery Initiatives Under PERKESO

The government has implemented various economic recovery programs (PEMULIH) under PERKESO to support the business sector in order to stabilise the employment market and reduce unemployment during the pandemic.

JOIN US TODAY to fully understand and guide you on how PEMULIH programs under PERKESO can support you to lessen the impact of the pandemic on your business and the employment of your workers:-

1. What you need to know about PEMULIH under PERKESO?
2. What must you do to get the support under PEMULIH?
3. How do each programs under PEMULIH benefit you and your workers?
4. How do you claim for your benefits under each PEMULIH programs?

REGISTER with us now to participate and gain valuable information on PEMULIH programs from our distinguished Speaker, YBhg Dato’ Mohd Sahar bin Darusman, Head of the Employment Insurance System (EIS) Office, PERKESO:-

Date: 24 July 2021
Time: 10.00 am

Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89580698534

Mr. James Tan Tien Chong, President of the SME Association of Johor Selatan will be with you as your moderator

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